Saturday, November 9, 2013

Impact of ICT on Learning
While theoretical arguments can be put forward to provide a strong rationale for the use of
ICT, the only real rationale is based on whether, in practice, it has a positive impact on
learning, the learners, and teachers. This report will now review the impact of ICT on
learning, students, the curriculum, teachers, schools, and school systems. The relevant
connections between these entities are shown in the diagram below that will act as a
theoretical framework for the discussion.
Figure 3 Concept map indicating relationships between learning environment entities and external
Impact of ICT on Learning & Teaching Page 16 of 73 Dr C. Paul Newhouse
No direct link between learning and the use of ICT!
While it would be convenient to be able to make a direct connection between the use of ICT
and learning outcomes, most reputable educational researchers today would agree that there
will never be a direct link because learning is mediated through the learning environment and
ICT is only one element of that environment. Studies that have tried to identify this mediated
impact of ICT on learning have found it impossible to entirely remove the effects of other
elements of the learning environment.
There is little purpose in attempting to compare the cognitive outcomes when using
computers, with using a textbook or some other resource. Salomon (1994) supports this view
by arguing that it is not possible to study "the impact of computer use in the absence of the
other factors" nor to assume that "one factor impacts outcomes independently of the others"
(p. 80). The educational aim is to embed the computer support in the learning environment
(DeCorte, 1990), rather than to try to isolate its effect on learning. Using computers in
learning is concerned with methods of using the technology to create environments and
learning situations. There have been many decades of solid educational research, not
necessarily related to using computers, on which to base decisions about appropriate
applications of computers to learning. For example, Mevarech and Light (1992) suggest that
the relationships between student characteristics, learning environments, behaviours and
schooling outcomes are crucial and need further research, yet there has been much
research which has considered these relationships in other contexts than educational
Rieber and Welliver (1989) criticise media comparison studies, claiming that they were of no
value applied to research into the use of educational television and therefore many question
their value to educational computing research. They quote from the report of a 1984 USA
government educational task force which suggested that one of the four important points for
improving the use of educational technology in schools was the “identification of instructional
problems and development of realistic solutions” (p. 22). As a result, they argue that media
selection should be the final step in instructional design, not the first, because “different
learning situations call for different instructional elements and certain media have the ability
to utilize certain features much more readily than other media” (p. 26). They suggest that the
identification of educational problems should be the first step. They cite LOGO as an
example where there was “no systematic plan for incorporating this new thinking technology
into the schools” (p. 26) and as a result, they argue, it failed.
If the aim is to offer new learning opportunities or to improve the way in which current
learning activities are implemented then the overall effectiveness of learning environments
and episodes is of paramount concern, not whether they are more effective with or without
computers. Therefore in implementing computer applications it is necessary to start by
deciding what a student, teacher or school wants to achieve. To achieve these outcomes,
teachers can then rely on long traditions of educational theory, their own experience and
knowledge of the educational situation (e.g. student attributes) to make decisions about what
the learning environment should look like and what inputs into the learning process are
required. Finally, teachers can identify what problems are associated with providing these
environments and inputs and tailor computer and other support to provide solutions. This
approach ends with decisions concerning computer support rather than starting with such
decisions (for an example refer to Campione et al., 1990).
A report from the ImpaCT2 study (Becta, 2002, p. 3) conducted in the UK found that,
There is no consistent relationship between the average amount of ICT use reported
for any subject at a given key stage and its apparent effectiveness in raising standards.
It therefore seems likely that the type of use is all important.
There can be a positive impact
While there is no direct link between using ICT and student learning the weight of evidence
now clearly shows that indirectly there can be a significant positive impact. Over the past 30
years there has been an increasing amount of research conducted to investigate this impact
with increasingly clearer findings of positive impacts when ICT is used appropriately.
On average, students who used computer-based instruction scored at the 64th
percentile on tests of achievement compared to students in the control conditions
without computers who scored at the 50th percentile. (Schacter, 1999)
\West Virginia’s Basic Skills/Computer Education program was more cost effective in
improving student achievement than (1) class size reduction from 35 to 20 students, (2)
increasing instructional time, and (3) cross age tutoring programs. (Mann et al., 1999)
Differences in attainment associated with the greater use of ICT were clearly present in
more than a third of all comparisons made between pupils’ expected and actual scores
… (Becta, 2002)
Given the right conditions for access and use, significant gains in student learning are
recorded with ICT. (Laferrière, Breuleux, & Bracewell, 1999)
Since learning is mediated through the components of the learning environment and
particularly the curriculum (pedagogy and content) therefore it is useful to start with a
consideration of the impact of ICT on the curriculum.

The Learning Environment as Mediator of Learning
We are interested in what effect the computer is likely to have on the classroom environment
and whether it is likely to find a harmonious and useful role in that environment. ICTs
provide the support to extend the possibilities for creating learning environments (Committee
on Developments in the Science of Learning, 2000). The most important entities in
determining a classroom environment are the teachers. In most classrooms it is the
teacher(s) who decides what content is important, directs student learning, assesses student
learning, structures the environment (e.g. rules and routines) and chooses and provides the
materials to be used. However, the student role is also critical.
Teacher/Student Roles
The teacher will always have a role in directing what and how students learn whether this is
by controlling the instruction or providing the learning situations. The students will always
play both passive and active roles in the teaching and learning scenarios. It is suggested
that the balance of control and roles is likely to shift towards student participation with the
use of ICT to support learning processes. This transfer of roles or control often occurs
spontaneously and naturally in a classroom within an activity (Committee on Developments
in the Science of Learning, 2000). Riel (1998, p. 9) concludes that the balance of control
may ultimately not be “under the complete control of the teacher, nor under the complete
control of the learner” with the “inclusion of many people with differing expertise” as ICT is
used to support a learning community.
Teacher as Manager
While computers can be used in a demonstration mode most of the range of computer use
involves computers being used by students. Therefore as indicated earlier this necessitates
a more student-centred approach. A teacher-centred approach could still be adopted
through use of selected demonstration and tutorial applications. To accommodate a
significant role to the computer in the classroom there needs to be a number of changes to
the role of the teacher. How significant these changes are for a teacher depends on what
they perceive to be their current role. The teacher needs to become a catalyst for learning
rather than being the focus. The teacher becomes a learning model for the students not an
expert in everything. The teacher is a facilitator of cooperative learning by involving students
in real problem-solving. In the apprenticeship model, the teacher may use ICT to model an
activity and then scaffold the learner (Committee on Developments in the Science of
Learning, 2000).
Teachers need appropriate communication and management skills. For example, clear
instructions (verbal and written) have to be presented so that most students do not need to
call on the teacher for assistance regularly, appropriate tasks have to be assigned to
individual students, ground rules have to be established for interaction with other students
and computer equipment, and hardware and software have to be made available to students
when they need them.
It is acknowledged that a problem for teachers using computers is evaluating whether
students are engaged and with what. Further, teachers must evaluate student learning
needs in order to provide them with appropriate tasks and software. Problems concerning
evaluation require teachers to spend more time in one-to-one interaction with students and to
have skills in interpreting student output (e.g. spoken, written).
Student Responsibility for Learning
While the teacher’s role in the classroom is fundamentally important to computer-supported
learning, the student’s role is also significant. If the environment is to become more studentcentred
then there is a necessary shift of responsibility for learning away from the teacher
and toward the student. Students need to become more self-directing and motivating and
thus take more responsibility for their own learning. This is not to say that the teacher has no
responsibility. The teacher needs to provide a structure within which students can learn.
This includes providing tasks, asking questions, providing resources, and setting ground
rules. Students themselves can become the experts on particular topics (Riel, 1998).
Innovations involving the use of computers invariably place additional demands on students.
For the students it may represent a new approach to learning in which they have to develop
confidence and competence. It has been noted that there may be significant changes to
their role which are complementary to changes in the teacher’s role. This may require them
to develop skills concerned with taking more responsibility for learning and relying less on the
teacher. They may need to develop skills in making decisions for themselves and with other
students. In addition, practical skills such as the ability to follow instructions presented on
paper, by a teacher or on a computer screen need to be developed.
Students will also need to develop skills in determining and assessing their own learning.
For example, self-directed learning using computers usually implies the use of more visual
forms of instruction and information than verbal. Therefore students need to have increased
levels of comprehension and concentration. Students need to develop skills in recording and
evaluating their findings and progress. With the help of the teacher they need to be able to
interpret their findings and make decisions about directions for learning.
Models of Implementation
It has been noted in the last section that the effectiveness of computer applications is very
much dependent on the manner in which they are implemented. While it is important to have
well designed software, appropriate hardware, and skilled users, all of this is in vain if the
application is poorly implemented in the classroom (Committee on Developments in the
Science of Learning, 2000). Implementation requires integrating the application into the
curriculum so that it is a meaningful experience for students and the management of the
classroom environment, including teacher and student roles and behaviours, computer and
non-computer resources and materials.
Given that an application is appropriate, successful implementation depends on good
planning by the teacher, and appropriate teacher and student behaviour during class time.
Planning needs to entail - integrating the application with other instructional and learning
strategies, preparing support materials, developing strategies for the management of
hardware, software and students (e.g. providing access, timing). Teacher behaviours
include: using the management strategies, monitoring student progress, guiding student
learning, and coping with unforeseen problems. In addition appropriate student attitudes and
behaviours need to be fostered. For example, students may have to work independently and
follow written or screen instructions. Therefore, if the students do not possess the skills to
work independently and follow instructions carefully then it is likely that the implementation
will be ineffective no matter how well planned the activity, or skilled the teacher.
It is important in the long term that teachers develop their own methods and strategies for
implementing appropriate computer applications, however initially teachers find it useful to
follow models based on successful implementation by more experienced teachers.
The Models
A model for implementation is a blueprint based on experience and theory which can be
used to guide the teacher. Any model will reflect in a dynamic way a set of values and
perceptions. Consider three general models for the integration of computer use into the
classroom, with each model representing a different emphasis on the interaction between
students, computer system and teacher.
Whole-Class Model One-to-One Model Group-Work Support Model
These models largely reflect the nature of the interaction between the students and the
computer(s) (Figure 4) but do not necessarily dictate a particular mode. Often the availability
of hardware, software and the design of software may dictate which model is used. In the
whole class model a computer system is used in learning experiences which involve all the
students working as a large group and often this will involve demonstration mode computer
use. It is a teacher-centred model with the emphasis on the teacher controlling any
computer-student interaction. In the one-to-one model the emphasis is on the computerstudent
interaction and therefore it is more student-centred. Typically this involves each
student working individually at a workstation but not necessarily all at the same time. The
group work model implies that students will work in groups of two or more with groups having
access to a workstation. Here the emphasis is on student-student interaction with the
computer system and teacher facilitating this interaction and the completion of group based
tasks. Naturally there are many variations on each general model.
Figure 4 Three general models of interaction for the implementation of computers in classrooms.
Main interaction is shown with double arrows, support interaction shown with thin line
A number of key parameters may be identified in describing the implementation of computer
supported learning environments or activities. Here we define eight distinct implementation
models based on the parameters: location, student/computer (S/C) ratio, method of providing
access to computers, control of computer(s), task direction (by whom), and operating
instructions (strategy for provision).
Table 2
Implementation models for the use of ICT in learning environments.
Model Loc# S/C Ratio Access* Control Task
1. Whole-Class
Lab 1 or 2 Unlimited Teacher Teacher Demonstration
2. One-to-One
Teacher Control
Lab 1 Unlimited Teacher Teacher or
or text
3. One-to-One
Student Control
Lab 1 Unlimited Student Student Demonstration,
on-line or text
4. Group-Work
Lab 1 comp per
Unlimited Students Students Demonstration,
on-line or text
5. Whole-Class
Lab or
Total of 1 None Teacher Teacher Demonstration,
front of class
6. One-to-One
Class > 1 Roster
Students Teacher or
on-line, peer
tutoring or text
7. One-to-One Self
Class > 1 selfselecting
Students Teacher or
on-line, peer
tutoring or text
8. Group-Work
Class < 1 comp
per group
roster, selfselecting
Students Students Demonstration,
on-line, peer
tutoring or text
# Location: Lab implies either going to a laboratory of computers or using enough portable computers.
*Self-selecting queue implies that students go to a computer when there is one available.
Different Roles for Different Environments
The role of the computer within the learning environment concerns the way in which it is used
in the teaching and learning processes. The computer may assist the teacher in instructing,
instruct students, aid student learning or be a tool to complete tasks. The role the computer
plays has implications for the choice of hardware, software and teaching strategies by the
teacher. Also there are implications for both teacher and student roles.
The following will outline the fundamental considerations for the implementation of each
model. The hardware and software requirements are not necessarily dictated by the model
being implemented, rather more related to the mode of computer support (i.e. tutorial,
simulation etc.). Hardware and software requirements are discussed in the next section.
Roles for Computers
Many classification systems have been devised to describe the roles of computers in
learning and teaching. For example, Perkins (1992) proposed five generic categories to
describe the variety of ways in which educational technology can be used in classroom
learning: Information Banks, Symbol Pads, Construction Kits, Phenomenaria, and Task
Managers. He defines Information Banks as resources whose main task is to provide a
source of information about topics. Symbol Pads he defines as resources, such as word
processors calculators and pencils, which are designed to provide construction and
manipulation of symbols. Construction Kits are resources such as Lego and laboratory
apparatus which allow learners to assemble entities. Phenomenaria resources allow
learners to scrutinise and manipulate phenomena (e.g. microscopes). Finally Task
Managers are those resources which set tasks for learners and may also help with the
execution of the tasks and provide feedback. Clearly as a learning resource, computers
have the capability to fulfil all these roles.
Schanks and Cleary (1995) focus on what they call, goal-directed learning. They discuss the
need to develop active learning environments in which students are encouraged to pursue
intrinsically motivating goals which are related to intended learning outcomes. They suggest
that computer software can be used to support this scenario. For example, they created a
simulation, Sickle Cell, of a medical counselling situation which includes a blood laboratory
where the goal is to "identify the clients' gene types" which is related to the intended outcome
of "learn[ing] about red cells and hemoglobin". They recommend a range of software tools to
support goal-directed learning with scenarios.
1) Simulation-Based Learning by Doing Tools
Tools that will enable people to "learn by doing" by placing them within simulated
situations that replicate real world environments.
2) Knowledge Organization and Retrieval Tools
Tools that can help organize the massive amounts of video, textual, and machine
readable data required.
3) Teaching Tools
Tools that will support different teaching methods which are appropriate in different
4) Tools to Enhance Thinking
The computer has the power to serve as a real thinking aid by asking pertinent
questions that help the user clarify his thoughts.
5) Interaction Tools
There are many ways to enhance the process of interacting with a computer such as

with natural language processing tools.


  1. Glad to be here @ ict-kll. Diz is Jho Alias of BEED-IB Day SY 2013-2014...

  2. Abigael Olan BEED 1-A (DAY)
    here @ ict-kll

  3. Jessalyn Linatoc from BEED 1-A (day)

  4. Lizette Fesalbon from BEED 1-A (day)

  5. Valerie Joie Boa from BEED 1-A (day)

  6. i welcome myself to ict im Genelyn Gonda from I-b DAY

  7. pasahol,jennie from BEED I-A(day)

  8. Hello Sir. I'm LIBREA MICHELLE G. from BEED IB-DAY :)

  9. Mary Grace Macasaet from BEED 1-A (day)

    Im Hanah Garcia From BEED I-B day

  11. hi sir
    Im Kimberly Bautista from BEED I-B DAY

  12. Im Rachael Cabar From BEED I-b DAY

  13. Im CUTE
    FROM BEED I-B day

  14. Revonnie Jumarang BEED1-A (night)

  15. Hi sir, this is PRINCESS Eugenio of BEED I-c day

  16. I'm Lorena D. Janer from BSED 1-B day

  17. Antonina V. Atienza
    BSED I-A night
    rm. 304
    TTH class
    7:30 - 9:00 pm

  18. Lovely M. Dinglasan from BEED 1-C day

  19. Cristine M. Dela Peña from BEED 1-C DAY

