Learning environments in schools typically
involve one or more adult teachers connected
with a number of students, usually in well
defined physical settings. These people interact
and form a variety of relationships, creating
what Salomon (1994) calls "a system of
interrelated factors that jointly affect
learning in interaction with (but separately from) relevant
individual and cultural differences" (p.
80). This is what Wubbels, Brekelmans, and
Hooymayers (1991) term the “relationship
dimension” in learning environments at school.
The learning environment has a physical as
well as a relationship dimension. Physically it
may be in a room, full of particular
furniture and equipment. Curriculum materials such as
books and videotapes may also be present. The
curriculum also has a place in the
relationship dimension of the environment in
that the students and teacher(s) are focused on
certain processes and content in the
curriculum and have a relationship with that curriculum
and the methodologies that are associated
with conveying the curriculum. Students and
teachers may have very different
relationships with different components of the curriculum.
The place of computers in learning for the
majority of children is most likely to occur in the
classroom and, for an increasing number, at
home. Most experts in the field of educational
computing (e.g. Lynch, 1990; Olson, 1988;
Rieber, 1994) would characterise computers as
interactive and thus admit them a place
within the relationship structures of the classroom
learning environment, not just the physical
environment. The majority of school classroom
learning environments that incorporate
computers could thus be depicted using the model in
Figure 1.
Figure 1.
A model to consider the relationship of computer systems to other elements of
learning environment.
Curriculum and Educational Technology
The curriculum is concerned with what is
learned and taught and how this learning and
teaching occurs. What is learned/taught
includes objectives, content, and learning outcomes
(the knowledge, skills and attitudes that
students are intended to demonstrate). The how of
the curriculum concerns teaching/learning
methodology, teaching strategies and media
Most teaching/learning methods and strategies
involve the use of some equipment. Some
teaching methods may only include the use of
a blackboard and chalk while others may
make use of a television or overhead
projector. This equipment and its use within the
curriculum is often referred to as
educational technology. Educational technology concerns
the technology that is used to facilitate the
teaching/learning process. As such it is included
in the how part of the curriculum. We
could consider educational technology as the tools of
the teaching trade, part of the medium used
to convey the curriculum. Some of these
technologies involve the use of computers.
There is a two-way relationship between the
curriculum and educational technology in that to
some extent they each affect the other.
Typically the teacher and other components of the
education system determine what is to be
taught and learned and then on this basis the
methodology (including the educational
technology) to be used is selected. Thus the
technology used is determined by the intended
curriculum. Also part of the context of the
curriculum concerns the role of the teacher,
the physical setting and the general pedagogical
views of the teacher and education system.
These are likely to affect the technology used.
There have also been a number of instances
where the curriculum has been changed due to
changes in technology. In some cases the
invention of new technology has added content to
the curriculum (e.g. technology based on
electricity). In other cases new technology has
made parts of the content obsolete (e.g.
using calculators instead of logarithms for
calculation). And some technologies such as
overhead projectors, videos and computers
have led to the development of new methods of
learning and teaching which were not
feasible before their introduction. So in
many ways technology can be seen to be affecting
the curriculum both in terms of content and
Already it would appear that the content and
objectives of the curriculum are changing to
take account of the role of computers in
society. For example, with the use of large database
systems (e.g. the Web on the Internet) it is
more important to know how to retrieve and
manipulate information than to remember the
information itself. However, in other
applications of computers in the presentation
of the curriculum, teachers and students will
need to decide where the curriculum best
needs the use of computers and where their use is
As indicated in Figure 1 computer systems
(hardware and software) become involved in the
interaction patterns within the classroom
environment. This is shown independently of the
other educational technologies which are
non-interactive. While using an overhead projector
does affect the classroom environment in that
it takes up space, it requires a screen, a
teacher needs to create transparencies to use
on it and students may not like reading them,
there is no two-way interaction as may be the
case with a computer system. A computer
system can interact with each student and the
teacher differently and can interact with
components of the curriculum in different
basis of learning environments
The classroom learning environment provides a
structure to describe the setting in schools
within which learning is organised and the
roles of the teacher and students occur. However,
it does not describe the reasons or purpose
behind the construction of any particular
environment. This is dependent on the beliefs
and actions of those responsible for setting up
the environment, particularly the underlying
pedagogical philosophy of the teacher. There is
little doubt that the pedagogical philosophy
to which most ‘Western’ educational leaders and
researchers subscribe is that of
- Constructivism
Almost all those who advocate major reforms
of schooling, particularly through the use of
computers, have the view that learning needs
to be more informed by constructivism (e.g.
Clouse & Nelson, 2000). Often arguments
for school reform involve constructivist concepts
such as the need for students to develop
higher order thinking skills and the failure of current
schooling methodologies to provide the
opportunity (Campione, Brown, & Jay, 1990; Loader
& Nevile, 1991). In the extreme, the
technologies of the information age are perceived to be
an irresistible force on education
(Mehlinger, 1996),
Constructivism has its roots in the
psychology-based traditions going back to Dewey (1966),
Bruner (1962; 1966), Piaget (1970) and
Vygotsky (1978). However, more recently this is
supported by biological science-based theory
in neuroscience. There is a good discussion of
this convergence of support for
constructivism in the report by the Committee on
Developments in the Science of Learning
What is meant by constructivism? There is no
single definition of constructivism (Perkins,
1992; von Glasersfeld, 1992), and the term is
often not defined explicitly by the user of the
term. However, there is a common element in
the belief that knowledge is constructed out of
personal sets of meanings or conceptual
frameworks based on experiences encountered in
relevant environments. People interact with
their environment and as a result develop
conceptual frameworks to explain these
interactions and assist in negotiating future
interactions. As Perkins (1992) puts it,
Central to the vision of
constructivism is the notion of the organism as "active" - not just
responding to stimuli, as
in the behaviourist rubric, but engaging, grappling, and
seeking to make sense of
things. (p. 49)
Neurologically, this is the result of complex
sets of connections being formed between
neurons, these connections being called
dendrites (Committee on Developments in the
Science of Learning, 2000).
Pines and West (1986) developed what they
call a “sources-of-knowledge” model of learning
based on constructivism, which I have found
most helpful. They discriminate between two
sources of knowledge for school children:
firstly, knowledge spontaneously acquired from
interactions with the environment; and
secondly, knowledge acquired formally through the
intervention of school. These two sources of
knowledge are represented as vines in a
metaphor based on the writings of Vygotsky
(1978). The former source originates from the
learner and thus is known as the upward
growing vine. The latter source is formal knowledge
imposed on students and therefore is known as
the downward growing vine. Therefore,
education in schools is concerned with the
meeting of these vines that Pines and West
(1986) define as four possible paradigms
(congruent, conflict, formal-symbolic, and
spontaneous), based largely on the relative
strengths of the existing and imposed
frameworks and the degree to which the
frameworks are different.
Figure 2:
Schematic of Pines and West ‘vines’ representing the knowledge frameworks
imposed by
curriculum and that spontaneously developed by the individual.
Clearly then both the knowledge frameworks of
students (prior knowledge) and of the
knowledge domains relevant to the learning
activities must be considered in the integration of
ICT. Many educators have argued that the
appropriate use of ICT by students can assist
teachers in determining and catering for the
prior knowledge of students. Further, it is
usually also argued that ICT can assist
students in engaging cognitively to a greater depth
Impact of ICT on
Learning & Teaching Page 9 of 73 Dr C. Paul Newhouse
with knowledge domains. That is students are
supported in employing the full range of
thinking skills within authentic contexts.
This is often discussed in terms of cognitive
taxonomies such as that provided by Bloom
Knowledge The learner must recall information
(i.e. bring to mind the appropriate
Comprehension The learner understands what is
being communicated by making use of
the communication.
Application The learner uses abstractions
(e.g. ideas) in particular and concrete
Analysis The learner can break down a
communication into its constituent
elements or parts.
Synthesis The learner puts together elements
or parts to form a whole.
Evaluation The learner makes judgments about
the value of material or methods for
a given purpose.
and Constructivism
There is often the misguided belief among
teachers that constructivism means that all
learning must be entirely by discovery and
that the teacher and curriculum materials have no
place. Perkins (1992) describes two
constructivist positions on teaching/learning paradigms
as without the information given (WIG)
constructivism and beyond the information given
(BIG) constructivism. It is advocated that a
blend of both approaches is employed. DeCorte
(1990) discusses this balance of approaches
in the context of using computers in schools,
a powerful computer
learning environment is characterized by a good balance between
discovery learning and
personal exploration on one hand, and systematic instruction
and guidance on the other,
always taking into account the individual differences in
abilities, needs, and
motivation between students. (p. 74)
It is important to not equate particular sets
of teaching strategies with constructivism. One
teacher may choose to employ certain
strategies in a manner consistent with her
constructivist notions, while another may
employ quite different strategies in a manner that is
equally consistent with his constructivist
notions. The educator who believes in
constructivism should be concerned with
personal conceptual frameworks, prior knowledge,
students’ understandings, the relationship of
formal knowledge to spontaneous frameworks,
and the attitude of the learner to formal
knowledge (Osborne & Wittrock, 1985; von
Glasersfeld, 1991).
Vosniadou (1994) argues that a belief in
constructivism will determine the type of computer
software used in classrooms and the manner in
which computer-use is integrated with the
curriculum and implemented in the classroom.
However, this may be a little overstated, as
the fundamental focus for a constructivist
starts with the individual student within the context
of the environment in which that student is
placed. This focus on the student rather than the
instruction, typically referred to as
student-centred learning, underpins the role and tasks of
the teacher.
Once again, a learner-centred approach does
not imply a particular set of strategies for a
teacher and therefore does not imply a
particular set of applications of ICT to the learning
Learning Environments
In 2000 the U.S.A. Committee on Developments
in the Science of Learning addressed the
issue of what should be considered in
developing learning environments in their report How
People Learn: Brain, Mind,
Experience, and School. They defined “four interrelated
attributes of learning environments that need
cultivation” (p.23).
1. Schools and classrooms must be learner
centred. (p. 23)
2. To provide a knowledge-centred classroom
environment, attention must be given to
what is taught (information, subject matter),
why it is taught (understanding), and
what competence or mastery looks like. (p.
3. Formative assessments – ongoing
assessments designed to make students’ thinking
visible to both teachers and students are
essential. They permit the teacher to grasp
the students’ preconceptions, understand
where the students are in the
“developmental corridor” from informal to
formal thinking, and design instruction
accordingly. In the assessment-centred classroom
environment, formative
assessments help both teachers and students
monitor progress. (p. 24)
4. Learning is influenced in fundamental ways
by the context in which it takes place. A
community-centred approach requires the
development of norms for the classroom
and school, as well as connections to the
outside world, that support core learning
values. (p. 25)
This structure provides an ideal and thereby throws
some challenges at education systems.
Some of these challenges may be met with ICT
Integration in Learning Environments
A critical component of theories of
constructivism is the concept of proximal learning, based
on the work of Vygotsky (1978), which posits
that learning takes place by the learner
completing tasks for which support
(scaffolding) is initially required. This support may include
a tutor, peer or a technology such as the
applications of computers. This has led to the use
the term computer supported learning.
Computer supported learning environments are those
in which computers are used to either
maintain a learning environment or used to support the
student learner in this Vygotskian sense
(DeCorte, 1990; Mevarech & Light, 1992).
Therefore the technology is used to help
create the types of learning environments and the
types of support for learning that are known
to be ideal, that Glickman (1991) argues have
been ignored or failed to be implement widely
in the past.
The aim is to create learning environments
centred on students as learners and a belief that
they learn more from what they do and think
about rather than from what they are told. If the
aim is to offer new learning opportunities,
or to improve the way in which current learning
activities are implemented, then the overall
effectiveness of learning environments and
episodes is of paramount concern, not whether
they are more effective with or without
computers. It is important that the ever
changing nature of computer-based technology not
overshadow the enduring nature of learning
and the solid and ever increasing base of
knowledge about learning. This knowledge is
not superseded by new technologies; rather, it
can inform the use of new technologies when
applied to learning. Therefore, in implementing
computer support for learning it is necessary
to start by deciding what a student, teacher or
school wants to achieve. To achieve these
outcomes, teachers can then rely on long
traditions of educational theory, their own
experience and knowledge of the educational
situation (e.g., student attributes) to make
decisions about what the learning environment
should look like, and what inputs into the
learning process are required. Finally, teachers can
identify what problems are associated with
providing these environments and inputs, and
tailor computer and other support to provide
solutions. In essence, the judgement of teachers
and their support structures are relied upon
to choose appropriate strategies. This approach
ends with decisions concerning computer
support rather than starting with such decisions
(c.f. Campione et al., 1990).
Impact of ICT on
Learning & Teaching Page 11 of 73 Dr C. Paul Newhouse
The Committee on Developments in the Science
of Learning (2000) suggested five ways to
use ICT to establish and sustain effective
learning environments:
1. Real world problems
2. Scaffolding
3. Feedback, reflection and guidance
4. Local and global communities
5. Extending teacher learning
They assert that many aspects of ICT make it
easier to create environments that fit the
current understanding of the principles of
learning. David Jonassen’s “Designing a
Constructivist Learning Environment” web-site
has a section on Tools
(http://tiger.coe.missouri.edu/~jonassen/courses/CLE/) where five ICT tool
categories for
designing constructivist learning
environments are outlined. These provide theoretical
frameworks to implement the use of computers
to support high quality learning
with the Local Context
The local Western Australian context is
dominated by the implementation of the outcomesbased
Curriculum Framework (CF). It would be hoped
that the CF would be well aligned with
contemporary educational thinking and
research. Towards the beginning of the CF
document there is a discussion of the assumed
principles of learning, teaching and
assessment. There are seven key principles of
learning and teaching and five key principles
of assessment (pp. 33-39). These clearly are
aligned with the attributes of a constructivist
learning environment as discussed earlier in
this review. Appendix Table A explains this
Further, in the document, An Introduction to
the Curriculum Framework (1998, p. 9) by the
Curriculum Council of Western Australia six
statements are provided as evidence guides that
teachers are implementing “An outcomes focus
in relation to the curriculum Framework“ (p.
9). These evidence guides also align well
with the attributes of a constructivist learning
environment as shown in Appendix Table B.
There is further evidence of the alignment of
the Western Australian government schools
context with prevailing international
understandings in the teacher support document
produced by the Education Department of WA
(1999) titled, Focussing on outcomes:
curriculum, assessment and
reporting. The
document states that,
In planning for
outcomes-focused curriculum provision, teachers, working individually
and in groups, need to review:
1. students achievement; 2. the learning environment; 3.
classroom approaches to
curriculum provision; 4. pedagogy; and 5. the school plan.”
… caters for the
developmental needs of students. (p. 12)
… organization and
structure of classrooms. (p. 14)
… subject content
approach, competencies approach, role performance approach
An outcomes focus requires
teachers to become more student centred in their
approach. (p. 16)
These clearly align with a constructivist
learning environment view of the process of learning
and teaching and provide the background upon
which to build a rationale for the use of ICT
in schools to support these processes.
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